Revealed: The latest scams circulating on WhatsApp Fraudsters pose as recruitment agencies and crypto traders on the messaging app From fake job opportunities to dodgy cryptocurrency schemes, fraudsters are using WhatsApp to coax victims into handing over their money and personal details. The messaging application is used by tens of millions of people in the UK alone, and scammers are always looking for ways to exploit its popularity. We’ve previously reported on giveaways and recruitment scams targeting WhatsApp users. Read on to learn more about the latest round of WhatsApp scams. 1. Fake job opportunities Two fake job offer messages are currently circulating on WhatsApp. The first promises an hourly salary of up to $120 in a ‘UK location’, which should already set alarm bells ringing. If you reply to the message, the scammer will send you more information about the 'job' before asking you to pay money for things like security checks or work equipm...
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